Thursday, 30 June 2016

My Makeup Storage | FreshOutTheRunway

I love makeup! There's no way I can deny that, I have come to the conclusion that I have an obsession. Most of this makeup I bought myself, or I have been given it as a gift.
I store my makeup in a plastic acrylic case thing ( I don't know what its called haha), but it's the best thing my parents have bought me for Christmas. I'm not too sure where they got it from but I will leave some links down below to similar ones. I keep all my makeup in this, it doesn't look like it would hold a lot but it does. Kinda like a tardis.
The second picture shows you where I store my lipsticks. The case they are held in, does come out and that block can also be used to put products in. I love this because I can see all of my lipsticks, so when I'm in a rush in the morning for college ( it happens more than I would like) I can grab a lipstick and I'm good to go!
The third image is where I store my foundations, colour correcting things etc. It fits perfectly all the things I use in a morning. Your probably wondering why I have different foundation shades. Sometimes I tan, and sometimes I don't. It takes too much time in my opinion, so I keep shades so when I can be bothered to tan, I can match my face to my body haha. I think everyone does that tbh.
In the fourth, I hold my concealers, lip-glosses, eyeliners, basically most things. Because the boxes are only slim, I can only fit those in there. The only thing I hate about that, is that you cant see  what products you are pulling out. I'm forever sat there pulling 5/6 products out before finding what I want.
Lastly, the draw underneath all of that I keep my powders etc. I love this draw, it's my favourite part of the storage. It holds so much and is easily assessable.
I hoped you liked reading this and seeing how I store my makeup. Please leave a comment on what blog posts you would like to see next!
Love, Chloe x
Makeup Storage similar:

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