Thursday, 5 January 2017

My 2017 Resolutions | FreshOutTheRunway

My New Year Resolutions

I'm back!!!
I've been so caught up with spending time with my family and friends over Christmas, studying and working. Despite this, I'm back and ready to start blogging again. I started this blog in 2016, I love every minuet that I can get just to sit down and write.

So with that out of the way, I thought what better way to open 2017 with a blog post about my resolutions because I have made many (hopefully I stick to them aha).

So I have recently put on weight and yeah everyone says that they will try to loose weight for the new year but this time I'm actually going to do it! I feel so motivated to do so, I have been eating healthy after indulging in donuts, cakes, basically anything that I could get my hands on. Now I'm ready to be fit and healthy. I need to change my diet and I'm going to do so!

I love to sing and I LOVE writing songs, I really want to set up a YouTube account and upload covers. I love country music and pop, I guess there is no harm in trying. I've always wanted to look out into a crowd and see them singing the song that I wrote, it would be a dream!

I'm currently sitting my A-Levels, I will just advise anyone who is considering A-Level Biology, don't! It's so hard, but follow your dreams! I am hoping to gain grade B's in all my subjects, so I've decided to do an hours revision a night. I know it doesn't sound a lot but I don't revise, like at all. I leave everything till last minuet and then stress because I don't know anything. So by doing this, I wont feel as stressed in June when I have to sit 9 exams! Yay how exciting.

So that's it, I do have a couple of ones that a small. I get stressed easily and I need to keep telling myself to 'let it go' because its the best thing.

What are your new years resolutions?

Love, Chloe x

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