Tuesday 26 April 2016

How I Achieved Clear Skin | FreshOutTheRunway

I've always suffered from bad breakouts, especially around my chin and nose area. I have combination skin, so in my T- zone I suffer with a lot of oil, but everywhere else can either be dry or extremely dry. Therefore, I've decided that I would write about how I cleared my skin and what products I would recommend to do so.

Simple; Foaming Cleanser:
I talked about this in my monthly favourites, and I'll probably be talking about it in my yearly favourites! This product is brilliant for removing any hidden dirt in or makeup on the skin. I have been using this for around 2 months now, and I can defiantly say that this has changed my skin. Normally I would pump around 2-3 pumps out and gently massage it into my face, then wash with warm water. The product leaves my skin feeling fresh and healthy.

Clean & Clear; Spot Control Moisturiser:
I also mentioned this is my monthly favourites too. I decided to use this when I first noticed that my skin was developing spots. I applied a small amount on my chin. I will mention that I do not use this anymore, but it did help. It helped to reduce any redness and helps to sooth any inflamed skin that has developed from the spots. I would apply this after I washed my face.

Clean & Clear; Fast Clearing Spot Treatment Gel:
I can really rely on this product, to break down spots. The 'Fast Clearing' treatment is true to it's word! I would take my makeup off, apply cream and then add this on top. I don't use this all the time, normally when my skin is at it's worse. It's a gel formula, with a thick consistency.

Simple; Facial Toner:
I wouldn't say that this is needed to clear skin, but I just thought I would throw it in. I use this to remove any access makeup that the cleanser hasn't washed away.

Simple; Rich Moisturiser:
My holy grail moisturiser! I love this stuff, this is my second bottle, I wouldn't chose anything over it! I love the consistency and the fact that it doesn't have any scent to it. The consistency is very fine and lightweight, which I really prefer in my moisturizers. Since I'm young, I don't want anything too heavy, this is perfect. I am currently using this everyday, once I have taken my makeup off. I apply it all over my face, and when I wake up, my skin feels fresh and ready for the day.

Garnier; Pure Active Intensive Spot Roll-On:
I am currently using this, once I apply my moisturiser, I apply this to my chin and nose area. I do believe that if you were to buy any of the products mentioned, then I would personally buy this! It is very strong scented, but for the job it does, I can look past that! The role-on helps to apply the product evenly and smoothly. I can't rave about this product enough!

As well as using products, I would also recommend eating healthy. I am no way an expert on clearing skin but these are the things that helped me, and hopefully they can help you too! In addition, drinking water helped me to clear my skin. Your skin will love you if your hydrated!

I really hope that if you purchased any of these products, they worked as well for you as they did for me! And remember everyone is different, you are beautiful!

Love, Chloe x


  1. I'm definitely going to have to try some of these out for myself as I've been trying to find products that clear my skin up for months now, some seem to work a bit but I'm yet to find one I can truly rely on. Thank you for sharing these!

    Steph/Love Steph x

    1. I know exactly how you feel, I hope they work just as good for you as they have done for me!


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